Her function is to sit and be admired. -- Georgina Strickland Gates

cats,cats quotes, cats quotations
Life is a big comic book for cats, other animals and humans in that order.
This is a blog for humor with sense because it does not only make you laugh but think as well.
Her function is to sit and be admired. -- Georgina Strickland Gates
The mathematical probability of a common cat doing exactly as it pleases is the one scientific absolute in the world.-- Lynn M. Osband
The cat is the mirror of his human's mind. The dog is the mirror of his human's physical appearance.-- Winifred Carriere
It is with the approach of winter that cats wear their richest fur and assume an air of sumptuous and delightful opulence.-- Pierre Loti
Cats sleep anywhere; any table, any chair, top of piano, window ledge, in the middle ... on the edge.-- Eleanor Farjeon